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Baltimore, MD
Atlanta & Smyrna, GA
Columbia, SC

Prefered Solutions
Phones: 8x8 
Hosting Solution: Rochen 
Ecom Solution: Shift4Shop 
Backup Solution: Backblaze 
Remote Work Solution: Splashtop 
National IT Providers:  TeamLogicIT & CMIT Solutions

In Partnership for RobotMats with
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Must Have Photography Guide from TechBrick's Founder. Tips and guidance from more than 14 years of covering FIRST events. Practical, easy to use, ideas and techniques. And it is free.

Just use the link below to download the files!

See the table of contents below! Amazing info!


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Right Click on the link below and choose "Save link or Target as" to save the ZIP file to your local computer.


The zip file contains three files:


What You Must Accomplish: Your goal is simple: Tell the story well.

Along the way, you must try to get every team and participant in at least one picture if not more. Why? People love pictures of people they love. You’ll also be looking for those moments of triumph and learning and failure that illustrate the outcomes of this effort: To teach young engineers. You will be looking for smiling, engaged children and helpful adults. You will be looking for hard working, compassionate volunteers in all areas. You will be looking for innovative research and design. You will highlight the amazing facilities that schools and organizations make available to these programs. You will record the excitement of the spectators and messages of the special speakers. And you will record all that on ‘film’ to preserve the day, the outcome of months of hard work, for the teams, mentors, and parents.And you will become an important part of the event and its success.This guide provides ideas, resources, and examples of how to do this well. So do it well.

// Marco Ciavolino
Partner, Enktesis LLC
Executive Director, TechBrick Robotics


Photog Guidelines for FIRST INSPIRES Events    1
What You Must Accomplish    3
Maryland Organizations    4
Rulz    5
Organizing Your Shoot    6
This Only Works if you Plan    6
There are two scenarios    6
Simple Key Points    6
Shooting at 90% Full    8
Use Good Folder Structures    8
Make Sure You Have Reliable Internet Access    8
Bring Some Key Equipment    8
Use File Renaming Software    9
Planning Your Event    10
Event Preparation    10
Logistics    10
Shoot Planner    10
Specific Shot Instructions    11
High Speed Line Shooting: High-Fives, Trophies, and Run Ins    11
Keeping it Steady    11
Get on the Student’s Level    11
Shooting Down    11
No Flashes in General    11
Planning Shoot of Fields    11
Basic Composition Guidelines    13
Creating 360 Degree Photospheres    25
Using the Google App    25
With a Dedicated Camera    26
General Techniques to Learn    27
Comments on Using a Flash at Events    28
When Not to Use a Flash    28
When a Flash Can Work    28
Sorting and Editing Photos    29
Learning from Great Photographers    30
Online Resources    30
Justin Kase Conder: Great Images    31
Tony & Chelsea Northrup    32
All the Shots    33
Key General Shots    33
Brief Notes on Shooting Video    35
Software Resources    36
Planning a ‘Day of Event’ Video    37
Sharing Your Work    38
Sample Event Videos    39
Sample Photos    40
At the Tables/Fields    40
Project/Interview Shots    41
Shooting the Pits    42
Shooting the Bots    44
Run In/Entrance/Introduction Photos    45
Alliance Selection    46
Awards    47
FLLJr    48
Explaining Projects    48
Full Area    49
Judges and Volunteers    49

The XCORP Family of Companies

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*enktesis, LLC assists clients in a range of web technology solutions, marketing communications, business development, and communications research efforts

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Empower Mats
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Tools to empower visually impaired students to participate in competitive robotics programs.

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Robot Mats
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Build the skills of your current team with our universal training mats. They provide every scenario required to teach all the fundamentals programming and similar robotics systems.

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Creative Play Mats
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These amazing mats feature imaginative, play-producing, images designed to provide just enough imagery to spur creativity.

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TechBrick Education
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TechBrick is an independent robotics and STEM education program for home-schooled, public, and private school students in Harford, Baltimore, and Cecil counties in Maryland.

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You've got an idea. You've written your book, your ideas, your thoughts. Paperclip Press can make it happen.

In Partnership for RobotMats with

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Smyrna Business Association Logo

Georgia State University Logo

Northeastern Maryland Technology Council Logo

Christian Business Network Logo

Gary Hill Network Logo

XCORP2014 / Enktesis, LLC
Baltimore, MD / 410-838-8264
Atlanta, GA / 470-648-3100
Columbia, SC / 803-832-0878
Contact Info http://meetmarco.com

Copyright  Enktesis/XCORP2014

*enktesis, LLC is a private consultancy, led by Marco Ciavolino, assisting clients in a range of web technology solutions, marketing communications, business development, and communications research efforts. He has been involved in the web space since 1995 and since that time has directly developed and collaborated on numerous web projects from small niche sites to large enterprise projects.  Want to know more? Contact me via email or phone  (marco@enktesis.com / 410-838-8264).   Full contact information at meetmarco.com

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